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I started using drugs around 16 years old - smoking weed and taking pills. I did it because I wanted to fit in; I felt like I never belonged, and I hated my life. Before using I showed horses, and in middle school and ninth grade I was a cheerleader until I was kicked off the team. I was also involved in soccer, the drama club, and was in 3 plays in middle school. After freshman year, I struggled with my grades and didn't participate in any sports or extra activities. I started using party drugs at 17 and at 18, hard drugs. I never even thought about going to college. I went to three different high schools and barely graduated.   


I went to jail for the last time and decided I couldn't live that way anymore. When I got out of jail, I joined a 12-step recovery program and started bettering my life.  I have found God and live every day to better myself and lives around me.  Life couldn't be better and I am so happy to be recovering. 


I have been clean since October 9, 2008.

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