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LOst Too Soon

Each year, thousands lose their lives to accidental drug overdose. For the families and friends left behind, their lives will never be the same.

Merrick Bliss Schafer 2001-2020
This is my beautiful daughter Merrick. On August 8th, 2020, she took a Xanax pill and was unaware it had fentanyl in it. I gave her CPR until the paramedics arrived. They were unable to revive her. She was 18.

--Brian Schafer

Zach Cameron (1989-2021)

Greg Heidbring (1972-2021)

I had just approved the funeral cards with my brother Zach’s name printed as a pallbearer earlier that day for my 13-year-old son’s funeral. He had just passed away due to health complications when I got the phone call that Zach (on the right in the photo) was gone. I just screamed and screamed as loud as I could. I was so mad at him. I was going through the most devastating time of my life and I needed him. It was 22 days after Zach’s death that I got another phone call. This time it was about my oldest brother, Greg. He, too, was gone. Fentanyl had stolen both of my brothers from my four sisters and me, leaving us devastated beyond comprehension.


It was February 23, 2021—the day before Zach’s 32nd birthday—that he was found in a McDonald’s bathroom, dead of an apparent heroin/fentanyl overdose. Zach and I were 19 months apart but grew up like twins. I can remember the exact moment that things got bad for Zach and addiction took over his life. He was 15 years old. I was 17. He and his then girlfriend had agreed to remove their 45-day-old son, who was born prematurely, from life support. Life for Zach after that moment was pure chaos. He would use any drug he could get his hands on and would have many overdose scares. It would take many rehabs, prison sentences, the poor health of our mom, and a baby on the way for him to get clean. Eventually, our mom lost her battle with lung cancer. That took a toll on Zach and he relapsed.


Greg (on the left in the photo) was 48 when he passed away on March 17, 2021. He was found by my sister when my elderly dad called for her to come over and check on him. Greg spent a majority of his adult life in prison because of his addiction. It also caused the relationship with his two children to become estranged and ultimately took his life when he unknowingly snorted fentanyl-aced meth. Greg was born to teenage parents and would grow up calling his step dad, my father, dad. My dad would proudly call him his son. Greg was devastated by Zach’s passing so much that he couldn’t even attend his funeral. He stayed home and got high instead. 


Greg and Zach were sons deeply loved by their father and brothers cherished by their sisters. Their nieces and nephews adored them. They weren’t a statistic. They were my brothers. Zach was the kind of brother that would drive an hour and a half to force me out of my house to go fishing, because it was my mom’s birthday and he knew this day was hard for me. They were the type of brothers that would randomly text to ask how I was doing. Greg was the type of brother that would fall asleep in his truck, parked in my sister’s driveway, waiting for her to wake up just to spend time with her. These caring brothers would call just to tell you they love you. I lost brothers I shared so many things with. Part of me died with them. The pain of never seeing them laugh or smile, or hearing their voice again, is excruciating. The realization that I’ll never feel them hug me again is absolutely devastating. They fought hard against everything they could, but in the end, they lost the battle due to fentanyl poisoning.


Our mom had six children and four of us are left. Every single one of us struggles with addiction. Some of us have gotten sober, and sadly some of us haven’t. 


Skylar Caldwell (1998-2020)
My daughter died from a fentanyl overdose on November 29, 2020. She had had her addiction problem for 3 years, but I will never let her be defined by that. Before Skylar’s addiction, she was the most loving and caring person.  She loved her family, friends, and her animals. She would do anything for anyone. She was in 4-H and FFA. She showed pigs and steers and she had cows; she would always say, “Who needs friends when you have cows?” She left behind a family that loved her and just wanted her to come out of this alive. I (her mother) have spent the last 3 years doing nothing but trying to save her, and even with all the trips to rehab and the couple months here and there with her being clean I still couldn’t. I miss her so much that my heart literally hurts. I am the one who found her Sunday morning in her bed, and the guilt and anger is overwhelming.
--Natalie Ortman
My mother died from an overdose not long after her 45th birthday. We had a very tumultuous relationship because of her addiction. Being a child at the time, I never understood her sickness. As I got older, and became a mother myself, I was able to understand she didn’t abandon myself and my siblings. She had a sickness she couldn’t be cured of.  She had tried hard, too. And done well for a long time. But I think it finally became too much for her to fight off. I have so much regret. So many things I could’ve done differently. She never met my baby son. I was hiding him from her. I don’t know why, for selfish reasons of protecting myself I assume. I knew one day she’d be taken by drugs, but I wasn’t expecting it to hit me in the way it has. I wish so badly I could’ve saved her. She was young, and deserved a full, long, and healthy life. I’ve never felt this amount of pain before in my life, but I hope now her pain is gone.
 Carol Clarke (1975-2019)
 Alex St. Pierre (1994-2019)

Robbed of a full life, Alex died from drug intoxication one day before his 25th birthday.  His family and friends will miss him terribly and will never be the same.  He took a piece of each of our hearts with him to Heaven.  He was a follower of Christ and his Religious Formation bible is where he found and connected to the verse Mark 9:23 that he later tattooed on his back.  He had a strong love for family.  He tattooed five roses on his arm representing his mom, dad, brother, sister and himself.  Later he surrounded the roses with an angel wing all down his arm. All of his visits or calls with family ended with I love you, a hug and a kiss.  You could feel his warmth all the time.  He was a protector, if someone was being picked on or hurt his instinct was to jump right in and protect that person.  There were a number of times where he stood up for someone or protected them even at the risk of getting himself hurt or in trouble.   He tattooed a lion on his arm as a representation of being a protector.  Alex tried just about every sport and found his love for baseball.  His humor was the best.   He could make you laugh until you cried.  He would do a fun dance, or imitate a character, or just come up with a witty comment to what someone was saying. Alex’s strongest passion was physical fitness and body building.   He was so committed to working out and perfecting his body.  He became a great inspiration to so many of his friends and many of them asked him to help them build their bodies.  He was often referred to as Iron Man. He was the life of the party and truly enjoyed bringing happiness and laughter to all.  He enjoyed outdoor music festivals with his friends.  He had a love for music and he was musically inclined. The last song he play over and over on the guitar was Redbone’s ‘Come and Get Your Love.’  


Alex was very proud to have earned an Associate’s Degree from OCC and he was subsequently accepted into the Mike Ilitch School of Business at Wayne State.  He attended Wayne State in the last year and his goals were to earn a Bachelor’s degree in Business someday.


Alex was a big fan of the Marvel Universe and enjoyed EndGame and Guardians of the Galaxy.  He would continuously play the Guardians of the Galaxy sound track. We all knew that Alex’s desire was to pull the family back together one way or another and we give credit to his spirit for accomplishing this within days of his passing. He is our Iron Man and the Guardian of our Family’s Galaxy.  Gone but never forgotten, R.I.P. Alex St. Pierre.  

 Dylan Corbett (1991-2018)

I lost my amazing, handsome, smart boyfriend of over 2 years on 2/12/18 to heroin overdose. He was 26. He had so much life and so many goals and it's been the hardest time not having his smiling face or his witty jokes. He wanted to be a paralegal and was so close to accomplishing his goal. He literally was the brightest part of my day.

 Anthony Rushak (1991-2017)

Anthony was a good kid that struggled with opiates the year prior and was in and out of treatment.  After the loss of his step sister, Madyson (of Shelby Township) in October 2016, Anthony started using again and was struggling. The loss of two kids have weighed heavily on our hearts and have forever changed us...most days it's a struggle to get out of bed and go to work but I still have to move forward because I have the rest of the family to take care of and love. We miss them both.  

Steven Charles Nagy (1990-2017)

One of the most caring and loving people I have ever known my precious son Steven Charles Nagy  passed away from a drug overdose.  He fought the battle for so long but the demon of heroin won.  He tried so many times to beat this but in the continuous cycle of addiction couldn’t make it.  Some of his last words: “Never Giving Up always falling but eventually I’ll just keep my balance”.  His heart so wanted to be sober but the mind and the body just gave in and now we are only left with the precious memories to hold on to.


Forever changed and brokenhearted – Your Mom.

Cody James (1992-2017)

I lost my handsome 25 year old son to HERION / FENTANYL.
Cody was my only child, he was a grandson, nephew, cousin and give his shirt off kind of friend to many.
He had such strong hopes in beating his addiction / disease, but sadly he took his own life on 03/31/2017.
All of our hearts will be forever broken, a mother's love for her child is unconditional.
I love you Cody James Love Luck <3 

jason main.jpg
Jason  (1990-2016)

Jason fought his battle of addiction for over 10 years.  He was a sweet guy with a big heart.  He was also the type of guy who would make you laugh and cry with his infectious personality.  His family friends and all that knew him loved him .Jason could not fight his own demons any longer.  The addiction took a toll on him. He was tired and broken and took his own life on June 18, 2016.  He saw no other way out.  He left behind grieving loved ones in the wake of making this sad choice.  It is because of this tragic loss, I am able to now try to help others who battle for their lives every day.  Working with Hope Not Handcuffs and F.A.N. has helped me heal.  Please know that YOU MATTER!  There is help, there is hope and there is support. Keep fighting the battle, you are worth it!

Steven Rae (1967-2016)

Steven lost his fight against heroin on 10/2/2016 after his 2nd relapse. He was always helping others in recovery even while he battled his own demons.

Pennie Lynn (1970-2016)

Pennie is my first born-the smile of my life, my darling little girl. 
She had 2 sons who were 17 and 15 at the time of her death, and they are devastated.
Our whole family was devastated when we leaned the shocking news that Pennie had died, suddenly and unexpectedly.   We did not know the reason for her death until the toxicology report was returned that showed she had died from Methamphetamine Toxicity.  No one in our family knew that Pennie had ever used Meth.  The tragic loss of this beautiful daughter, sister and mother has forever changed us.

Nikki (1984-2016)

It is a very sad day today, today we celebrated Nikki's life.  This is Nikki, she was a wife, daughter, sister, aunt, granddaughter, niece, cousin, and friend to many.  She loved life and people loved her.  She put a smile and touched many lives.  Nikki had such high hopes of beating her addiction and living a happy life.  Nikki fought a good fight, sadly she lost her battle just days ago. She is loved and will be forever missed by many.  We can only hope that Nikki's story and all those "gone but never forgotten" and those still battling their demons will help save some lives.  

"Sometimes you have to fall before you can fly"  RIP Nikki, we love you! We need to raise awareness and fight against these drugs that are taking so many from us far to soon!!

Justin (1995-2016)

"One man can change the world" & "Some people feel the rain, others just get wet"

Michael (1990-2016)

Michael had been clean for nine months and had a fatal relapse. He was a loving brother and son. He volunteered as a youth leader at the local church. He was an avid reader and loved to take long walks. He will forever be in our hearts. 

Nicole Yvonne (1984- 2016)

My beautiful daughter Nikki passed away due to an accidental heroin overdose. She was in nursing school, had a beautiful family and home. Nikki believed in a higher power and was very spiritual.
Nikki got hooked on heroin after she received scripts for Oxy from her doctor. Heroin seems to be cheaper, so she gambled with her life and began shooting up. As a mom I could never be prepared for rehab after rehab, never knowing when I would get a phone call telling me she had died. Drugs, heroin, hit all types, ethnicities, towns, states, persons. It doesn't matter who you are, because it has no conscience. Our daughter was beautiful, smart, sassy, funny, helpful, a great mom, straight A student, and had it all. May she rest in peace with the angels until it is my time.

Love you Nicole Yvonne Boulanger

 Charles Hurley (1962- 2015)

My dad was an amazing father, grandfather, son, brother, and person. The pain of my world without him in it is sometimes overwhelming. He let his addiction turn him into someone that he wasn't. He was one of the most comforting and compassionate souls you would ever meet. He could seem to help everybody with the issues they were facing except himself. His addiction beat him and he overdosed on fentanyl 11/4/2015. He left behind 2 daughters and 3 sons. His son Daniel  predeceased him 11/11/2003. He also left behind 2 grandchildren along with his parents, brother, and 2 sisters. He lived with a lot of shame and guilt. I want the world to know that I was never ashamed of my dad and that I am proud to have had him as my father. I love you and I pray God keeps you until we are reunited. 

Allison Elizabeth (1988- 2015)

Allison Elizabeth's life was accidentally taken by heroin. Everyone that met her adored her charisma and joyful spirit. Bless the Lord Oh My Soul and All that is within me Bless His Holy Name. Thank You God for the 27 years of life. Allison, mother loves you and I miss you in each breath I take. I will trust the Lords plan for my life and her life because God's plan is perfect.

Brian (1968 - 2015)

My little brother, Brian, was a happy, funny, caring person.  He loved his family, he loved to hunt, and he loved his job. He made plenty of mistakes throughout his life but he always redeemed himself and we always supported him.  After a lifetime of addiction to narcotics, he entered an 18 month program to beat his addiction.  
Everyone there was so proud of him that he even talked about counseling other addicts. Clean and sober since 2011, but suffering from chronic insomnia, he took a narcotic intravenously, the dose was too much.  He just wanted to get some sleep and he never woke up.  He was loved and he will be missed eternally.

Ron (1981 - 2015)

I AM THE FACE OF ADDICTION.   On OCTOBER 21st 2015, at the young age of 34, less than 24 hours of being out of jail for the 4th time and many unsuccessful attempts at sobriety I accidentally overdosed on heroin in my bedroom,and I am now just a memory to all those who love me. Heroin stole my bright future and it left a monumental hole in my family's heart.  It took my chance of showing my son how much I loved him and the man his Dad could have been. I will now never get the chance to tell my son how proud I am to be his Dad and how proud I am of him. My son Ron struggled with addiction for 5 years after becoming addicted to prescribed pain medications while living in Florida after a back injury. Moving his new wife and newborn son back to his home state of NY. Their plan was to raise their son around his large extended family. This made getting his meds hard, Doctors here not so liberal in prescribing the pain meds, so he resorted to street drugs. This was the beginning of the end of the son I knew. He lost so much of his life. His wife of 4 years and even his son. This drug had taken over his life and he desired nothing from his past life. Only worrying when he would get that next hit. He ignored the help and love from the people who cared and loved him.
You could see the sadness in his eyes as he fought within himself from right to wrong but could not let go of that demon. When sober he expressed how ashamed he was and how sorry he was for hurting the ones who loved and cared for him. He had expectations hopes and desires for the future but this drug only allowed these thoughts and desires to flow from his mouth sometimes only days to hours before that demon crept back in. It took from me my loving son, my oldest son.  A part of me died with my son. I am thankful for that time I had while he was sober and he was home I had my son back even if it was short. I am thankful he passed at home knowing he was loved and by the ones who love him. My biggest fear was that knock at the door that he died out on the streets. 

Always in my Heart never to be forgotten my angel my son. I now am on a mission to help others in pain from loss.

Jeff (1995-2015)

I lost my beautiful son in May of 2015. He was a sweet, soft-spoken, kind hearted, loving boy. Beautiful blue eyes and a smile that could light up a room. He was 20 when he died of an overdose of Heroin/Fentanyl.
I love you so much and miss you more every day. Rest peacefully, my angel.
Love, Mom

Alyssa (1995- 2015)

My name is Suzy, I lost my daughter to a heroin drug overdose this year she was born 4-26-95 and died 1-11-15, she was 19 yrs old, 3 months from her 20th birthday. Her name was Alyssa Marie. Alyssa was my first born and only daughter. She attended catholic school her entire life. She played soccer and softball and was actively involved with and loved her competitive cheerleader group to which she acquired many trophies for. She was a friend to all and had a true love of life . She also had an 11-year-old brother (my son and only other child) who was her absolute pride and joy and her best friend, She truly had an amazing heart of gold, always putting other peoples needs first. If you were hungry or without food, she made sure you got a meal. If you were cold and without a coat, she would go to whatever length to provide you with one. If she knew you were struggling she  would not allow you to go without even if it meant spending her last dollar on a complete stranger or giving her own stuff away for the needs of others.......she was also a heroin addict having first started off using prescription pain pills (no preference just whichever narcotic ones she could obtain) eventually she got introduced to heroin, because it was cheaper and more easily accessible. She went from using 1 pack a day to 1 gram a day in a matter of weeks. This continued for 2 years, She eventually overdosed on 3 different occasions, having been brought back by Narcan from the paramedics each time. They would put her in mental health with a 72hr hold then release her to me. I drove her from rehab to rehab 6 months before her death. She'd stay long enough to detox then take off. I spent endless hours up all night wondering, worrying, waiting for her to call. The morning of January 11th as I opened the front door and saw 2 police officers standing there, I knew they didn't have to speak a word. Them standing there said it all.  They say it'll get easier with time, well its only gotten harder, as my heart was truly broken the day you left.  I love you Loulabelle, my sweet precious baby girl. I miss you more than you could ever know!!! 

Eric (1985- 2015)

Eric had a love for his family, music and cooking.  He was a Certified Chef and a member of the American Culinary Federation. He was loved by many and his talents and his love for life will be greatly missed. 

Angela Michelle (1989-2014)

Angela... was 25 years old when she died of an accidental opiate overdose on the morning of July 10th, 2014. Angela struggled with an addiction problem for many years, but sustained many long and successful periods of sobriety.  Angela had many friends, interests, and goals in life. She was a huge animal lover and had two pets named Fitz and Percy. She loved fashion, Detroit sports, the color pink, writing, reading, listening to music, and traveling. She was a hard worker, a beautiful spirit, and a loyal friend. She is greatly missed.  Angie's dream was to be a counselor and to help kids who had gone through the struggles she had. We as a family feel that if we can carry on her name and help other people with the same struggles, than maybe her death will not have been in vain.

Joshua J. Sebastian (1989-2014) 

In loving memory of my beloved son, Josh. Josh had a heart full of love and compassion for his family and friends. He is so deeply missed by everyone who knew him. He was a loving son, brother, uncle and friend!  Our hearts are broken but we have the hope in God that we will see him again in heaven. Josh is forever in our hearts and thoughts. We aim to honor him by helping other people and families. #LOVELIVESON

Rachel  (1982-2014) 

My daughter was clean nearly 4 yrs when relapsed on RX drugs. My only girl, my best friend. She left behind 2 kids.

Daniel J. (1991-2014)

My brother is not just another statistic. Dan was the most down to Earth, fun-loving, intelligent, comedian with the biggest heart. He loved and accepted people for exactly who they were and embraced every aspect of this beautiful world. He loved nature, was an avid Detroit Lions fan, and loved being able to take off on his Harley. Everyone who loved him greatly misses his jokes, his laughter and ear to ear grin!  There is no stereotypical face to addiction, my brother would have most definitely not looked like the face of an addict and I would not wish a tragedy like my family has endured on absolutely anyone so if we could save just one life and educate many more I think we'd be taking a step in the right direction.  You're so wonderful to think of but so hard to be without baby brother! Your sister loves you- Kari

Ashlee (1993 - 2014)

God called her home too soon but this was part of His divine plan and He is infallible. While we mourn she rejoices, while we are weary she is strong, and while we are confused she remains steadfast. Ashlee was loving, outgoing, funny, and unique, a girl that always went against the grain. She was a daughter, sister, cousin, niece, aunt, and a friend.

Johnny Ray (1992 - 2014)

Johnny was such a good kid, quiet, shy, caring, and loved to be silly. Everyone who met him loved him. Johnny just had this gentle way about him. He was a caregiver for a handicapped young man whom Johnny loved dearly. Johnny is missed and loved by so many my world is forever changed and there is not a day that goes by I do not cry missing my son. RIP Johnny

Anthony (1978-2014)

This is my brother Tony, he was 35 when I lost him to a lethal combination of cocaine and heroin, my sisters and I planned his funeral. He was very charming he had a laugh and smile that could light up a room. He was so silly with his nieces and nephew they even nicknamed him uncle Tony bologna sandwich. We came from a very bad childhood and unfortunately no matter how hard Tony tried to be where he wanted in life it just never happened. He was very intelligent and kind hearted, he could have done anything in this world with the determination he had. I miss him every day and cry often because the world seems so empty without him.  Rest in peace brother I'm glad you have the strength in heaven that you just didn't have on earth.   

Lexe (1995-2014)

Lexe Aspen Downer, age 18, passed away from a heroin overdose in her bed while in transitional housing from a heroin overdose at approximately 90 days clean.  She has a loving, beautiful heart and an amazing spirit, and she was ready to go home where she could really use these attributes for the better of us all.  She is dearly loved by all who know her.

Jessica Lynn (1991-2014)

Jessica was my best friend. She was such a loving and beautiful person. She could always make you laugh so hard and she would do anything for someone else. She was also a heroin addict and that is what took her life. Not a day goes by I don't miss her.
Love you sissy!

Nicholas Joseph (1983-2013)

Our son Nicholas "Nick" was a loving son, brother, father, and friend.  Nick had a heart of gold and a smile to match it. Nick did not realize how very handsome, intelligent, talented, and loved he was.  Nick enjoyed biking, roller skating, playing keyboard making techno music, art, and people.  Nick could be described as a daredevil not afraid of anything. Nick loved his family, and most of all, his son Ezra.  Nick struggled with borderline personality, and bipolar disorder.  Besides the prescription medication, Nick would often self-medicate.  On June 6, 2013 my son Nicholas died of an accidental overdose on prescription drugs (opiates and benzodiazepines).  He fell asleep and never woke up. I miss you Nick every day.  A piece of my heart went with you. Your memory lives on through family, friends and especially your son Ezra.  We love you Nicholas!  Walking by faith I know that someday I will see you again heaven!  Love you always, Mom.

Scott D. (1974-2013)

Scott D. Idyle of Utica, age 39, Loving father of Tyler and Avery.  Beloved son of Ronald and Sandra.  Dear grandson of Lottie Buslawski.  Brother of Brian (Deborah) and Susan.  Friend to many.  Had a heart for family.  He was loved more than anything.  He tried fighting the battle of addiction.  He will be in our hearts forever and so desperately missed.

Marissa (1990-2012)

Marissa King, forever 21. A Comstock High School graduate, she was attending KVCC.  Her young life cut short, but in that amount of time, she helped many people. Marissa enjoyed reading, adventure, community theater, and was an eloquent writer of poetry and short stories.  She was engaged to Chris Kahllo, these two, will forever live in our hearts and memories. 

Suzanne (1965-2012) 

This is for the strongest woman we knew. We never came across anyone who could defeat as many wars as you did.  We love you Suzi. Your name and your story will always linger. 

Kayela Faye (1991-2012

Kayela passed away on 9-8-12 at the age of 21. Kayela was my daughter, and she was very smart. She attended the LAMP program and worked with General Motors on designing a new glove for the paint dept. Kayela had a job at Board of Water and Light, where they loved her dearly. When my daughter walked in a room it would light up with her laugh or smile. She was the best friend everyone wanted ..she took with her all the secrets her friends asked her to keep. My daughter's death was devastating to all of her family, she left behind so many that loved her. Living in this world without her has often overwhelmed me. Kayela was a heroin addict and that is what took her life in the end.  This addiction is killing so many of the kids today its heartbreaking. This addiction not only affects their lives but it directly affects the family.  With her gone, I need to adjust to this new life without her in it and though at times it seems hopeless, I am doing the best I can.  I love and miss you, my sweet pea. Love, Momma

Brian (1985-2012)

My name is Debbie Robinson and I buried my precious son, Brian, six months and two weeks ago. He was addicted to prescription drugs and lost his battle of addiction at the age of twenty-seven. Brian was prescribed Oxycodone, Vicodin, Xanax and Ativan to treat his Post Traumatic Stress Disorder from the military. These drugs were prescribed by the VA and various civilian clinics. As he became more and more addicted to these substances, he self-medicated with drugs that he easily bought on the street.  The general population needs to be made more aware of this epidemic of addiction.  

Ashley (1990-2012)

Ashley was a great person, not judgmental and true friend that many enjoyed being around. She played soccer, was an honor roll student, loved music and enjoyed life. She struggled for 3 years before she lost her battle with addiction. Ashley was 21 when she died.  Family and friends grieve everyday because she is not here.

Brian (1985-2012)

Brian was such a goofball, always sprouting out his signature laugh that could be recognized from a mile away. A beloved uncle, son, and brother, Brian was far too caring and compassionate for his own good. 
We miss his smiles, jokes, and adventurous spirit everyday. As a family, we will always wish that there was more that we could have done.

Benjamin (1984-2012)

Benjamin was a shy, compassionate, smart and loving son.  After a five year battle with heroin, and four treatment centers, Ben died at age 28 of an overdose 4/1/2012.  I don't think it was an accident.  I think he gave up hope.  Ben did everything possible to stay clean, loved the spirituality of recovery, AA and NA.  He wanted it and got it….but it wasn't enough to save him. Opiate addiction is a brutal disease that terrorizes families.  Everyone suffers--especially the addict.  Love wins though…love wins!

Eric (1986-2011)

I am from binkies, my little buddy and a mop head.  From watching Disney movies 500 times and knowing all the lines.  I am from being somebody's main man and mushroom and from being obsessed with math and money.  I am from super Nintendo and Ninja Turtles, from playing Donkey Kong all day until I beat it.  I am from blackjack, keno and poker.  From a new white van and news and sports all day on the weekend.   I am from scoring a 32 on my ACT to making the Dean's list in college.  I am from unconditional love and lots of kisses.  I am from a bright future, helping hands and the idea that I can do and be anything.  I am from an amazing family that gave me all these memories.  I AM THE FACE OF ADDICTION.   On August 28th 2011, on my parents 29th anniversary, I accidentally overdosed on heroin, and am now just a memory to all those who love me. Heroin stole my bright future and left a monumental hole in my family's heart.

We love you, Eric!  --Dad, Mom, Kristin, Colleen, Laura, and Rachel

Trent (TJ) (1986-2011)

Our son TJ became involved in drugs & alcohol at an early age. He had a loving family who tried desperately to give him the tools to overcome his addiction, however our efforts were unsuccessful. When he became an adult we had little or no control over his actions. His poor choices and the circle of friends he associated with became his demise. His untimely passing on Aug.16,2011 has left his family devastated & broken. We will never forget. 

Tiffany (1982-2011)

Tiffany was the oldest of all the cousins and she called all her younger cousins her munchkins. Her two favorite things in the world were family get-togethers and going to Detroit Tigers baseball games with her grandma. Tiffany struggled with addiction for many years and died of a heroin overdose at the age of 29.  As you can imagine our entire family is beyond devastated.

Cam (1989-2011)

Cam loved people, adventure and life. He was compassionate and always made others feel special. He grew up going to the cottage, learning to water ski, wakeboard and in the winter, snowboarding. At 19, he found himself addicted to drugs and he spent 6 months in rehab and was in recovery for 11 months. Just two months after his 21 birthday he relapsed and died.  Our hearts will never completely heal.

Kristopher (1979-2010)

My son fought a hard battle, trying to stop his addiction to vicodin, oxy & fenatyl patches all given to him by his physician for pain.  He then went to heroin because he couldn't afford all the prescriptions.  He was in rehab 4 times and succeeded.  My son took his own life on Halloween, three years ago because he couldn't stand how many people he hurt because of his addiction.  In his note he wrote to me he said "Mom, I died clean, it wasn't because of the drugs, it was what the drugs caused me to do."

Kevin (1982-2010)

This is Kevin, who passed on Sept. 11, 2010 less than two weeks after his 28th birthday.  He is the son of my friends Debbie and Mike and is also dearly missed by his sister Jenn, who took in Kevin's dog Blu. I worked with Debbie for 21 years and through the years saw hard she and Mike worked with Kevin to try to overcome his addiction.  Kevin was smart, sensitive and talented. He was a loyal friend and deeply loved his family. He tried to break the bonds of addiction but the bonds were too strong.  His loss has been keenly felt every day by his family, his cat Philly, his dog Blu, and his closest friends.

Mitch (1980-2009)

Mitch loved hunting, fishing, going to concerts, wakeboarding and snowboarding. He grew up playing travel hockey, and was on the academic honor roll until he began experimenting with drugs. After graduation he moved to Colorado and opened his own business, however, he continued using drugs "recreationally".  One fateful night he took Oxycodone and drank alcohol, and at the age of 28 he died.

James Raymond (1979-2008)

Jimmy was the first true love of my life. He was big brother to three younger sisters and three younger brothers. He had a great sense of humor and an even greater love for his family. In 2003 I lost my baby brother Anthony, he was 40. Jimmy followed on August 28, 2008, he was only 28. Both died from prescription drug addiction. I wish I could say these were the only two losses my family has had to endure. In my extended family there are several others who have died, not only from this addiction, but heroin as well. Some are still living and fighting. Some aren't fighting.   I'm not embarrassed or ashamed of them or afraid to tell anyone about them. I'm mad because there's not enough effective help for them. Awareness is definitely key to prevention of an addiction. But awareness doesn't help in the prevention of death after the addiction has already taken hold.  Jimmy, not a day goes by that I don't think about you and wish you were here.


Love you Always,

Christopher (1972-2007) 

Christopher was a wonderful son, brother, father, nephew, cousin, stepdad, and so much more. He loved to fish, hunt, play cards and spend time with family. We were engaged to be married and prepared to live life to its fullest.  But the addiction to Vicodin, Oxycodone was too strong and we lost Christopher to the disease.  He died next to me, in his sleep. We all woke up to our Christopher gone. Our hearts are still broken and life has never been the same since. 

Allen (1987-2007)

Allen was a fun loving, goofy and caring young man. The little brother. He was the one that always made you laugh and brought a smile to your face. He loved the outdoors especially the fall. He was a Boy Scout and loved the Lord. I thank God for the life we shared. He was a wonderful young man. I know Allen didn't want this to happen. He was 20 years old. Take a stand...let's bring awareness to our community about addiction.

Ryan (1988-2007)

Unbelievably, this is a picture of a heroin addict: Ryan Adam Rudolph. My son who, in so many ways, was so typical. He had a great heart, loved his family, cared about others, loved to fish, play golf with his grandpa, and was looking forward to college. Ryan never thought having "fun" with RXs would lead to heroin. But that's today's reality and it's happening to hundreds and thousands of kids every day.

Christopher (1960-2006)

My dad lost his life to the addiction of heroin. It never changed him as a father. He loved his girls more than anything.  He knew exactly how to make you feel better when things weren't right and he was always a phone call away. We will always love you!. Rest peacefully.  

Denny (1986-2006)

A gentle giant, Denny was the kindest soul with a deep faith in God. He loved deeply and always stood by his friends, famous for his bear hugs.  A biologist at heart, he loved animals and hoped to do field research in exotic lands. He was happiest when fishing with his brothers.  His unique, deep baritone voice is silent. His mom just wants to hear it one more time.

Matthew Odell

Words cannot express the unbearable pain we feel since a unmerciful drug took our beloved son, brother, father, and husband (Matt Kelley).  Matt knew the powerful control that drugs had over oneself, giving him a desire to become a drug counselor so that others would not suffer the ramifications he eventually did. One relapse took Matt to his final journey and a shocking horrific void in our hearts forever!

Erin  (1976-1997)

Erin was a wonderful person full on love and energy for everyone she met. She touched so many lives and left a positive impression on each and every one. She helped many and continues to do so. Erin died from a heroin overdose on June 23rd 1997 at the age of 21. Erin you are sadly missed.

I love you.


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